Making fast decisions

Making fast decisions

Quick and quality decisions are a hallmark of high-performing leaders, teams and organisations. Fast decisions are also a pillar of strategic agility, another crucial aspect of being a high performer. Leaders and teams with strategic agility optimise their opportunities and ideas instead of creating internal competition or trying to control outcomes.  Strategic agility recognises the…

Growth mindset: a key strategic agility enabler

Growth mindset: a key strategic agility enabler

A growth mindset is a must-have attribute for successful leaders and businesses. It’s also a key capability fundamental to developing strategic agility. To recap, strategic agility is a core attribute of high-performing teams. It gives them the ability to look ahead, anticipate potential issues and create competitive strategies. There are many capabilities that contribute to…

Agile Leaders Thrive in Uncertainty

Agile Leaders Thrive in Uncertainty

Successful leaders learned to not just survive, but thrive, in the tumultuous business environment that the COVID pandemic created. The ability to look ahead, anticipate potential trends, their impacts and to then create competitive strategies is known as strategic agility. Leaders with this ability have been stand-out performers in the past few years. Leadership teams…

The Art of Balancing Priorities for High Performance Outcomes

The Art of Balancing Priorities for High Performance Outcomes

We’ve heard the term balance a lot since the pandemic started, mainly in the context of our personal lives. Balance is also an essential skill for leaders to ensure their organisations and teams achieve the best possible results.  The reality is that, just as in our personal lives, balancing corporate priorities is difficult. Leaders frequently…

Maintaining Profitability in a Tightening Market

Maintaining Profitability in a Tightening Market

Now is the time to refine operating models We’ve all read about how the great resignation, the hunt for talent and rising interest rates will put the squeeze on spending and wages growth. Australia has benefited from cheap money, boundless opportunities and easy profits for a long time. But now the economy is getting tighter,…

Orchestrating teams to make beautiful outcomes

Orchestrating teams to make beautiful outcomes

An orchestra is comprised of individuals and sections that work collectively to deliver a harmonious performance. Modern orchestras have up to 100 members arranged in sections – woodwind, strings, percussion, brass and so on. These sections can also have sub-sections – for example, the strings section has violins, violas, cellos and double-bases. Each section typically…